Choose Your Word for the Year

One of the most inspiring New Year’s resolutions we can make is to commit to a “word for the year.” Consider accepting a word that will support and empower you throughout the year. You don’t have to stick with one in particular, but taking time each month to refocus on your focal words can bring consciousness and insight into the meaning behind them. So, what’s your first word for 2023? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Why should you choose one?
Picking a word for the year is a great way to set an intention, motivate yourself, and become mindful of what’s important. Choosing a word can help you focus on goals, inspire action, and transform the way you approach life. A “word for the year” should be something that is both meaningful and achievable; something that will challenge you to reach beyond your comfort zone and improve your life in some way. Your word does not need to jump out at you immediately – it could come through journaling and introspection or a simple meditation practice. There are countless possibilities so take your time in considering which path you’d like to explore. By picking a word for the year, you are allowing yourself space for growth, self-reflection, and evolution – ultimately setting yourself up for success!

The benefits of having a word for the year
By picking a word that embodies what you want to focus on, you can create an energy of positivity and possibility around it. This could be a quality such as resilience or leadership which encourages you to push yourself in the direction of your goals, or something like contentment or gratitude which helps bring some perspective in times of stress. The beauty of having a word for the year is that it serves as both a reminder and motivation: reminding you throughout each day about what matters most to you and motivating you to frame decisions based on that foundation.

How to pick the perfect word for you
Choosing the right word is essential to achieving any goal or expressing yourself in a meaningful way. It can seem daunting to select that one perfect word that encapsulates your intent, but there are some simple steps you can take to make sure you hit the mark. Start by thinking carefully about your plans and objectives; what do you want out of this particular situation? From there, search your mind (and thesaurus!) for words that best describe those goals and their desired results. Make sure that the words you choose stand up under careful analysis – does it convey precisely what you’re trying to communicate? Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment until you find a word that resonates with you. With patience and effort, finding the perfect word will bring great rewards!

Ideas for your “word for the year”
Words like ‘courage’, ‘abundance’, and ‘growth’ are all great reminders for why we strive to stay motivated and continuously work towards our goals. A strong focus on certain words can help us keep mindful of how we want to live our lives in this upcoming year—and beyond!